Daryl Arnold

 Daryl Arnold helps many people understand the financial world while working at World Financial Group. World Financial Group has 2 different components. They help individuals understand how to build a successful business. They have a strong belief in no family left behind. Educating them in the finance world. Their second component is for financial literacy for a better community. Daryl’s role is to help break the generational cruse and up lift individuals to help them see greatness in their self.

Daryl went to Belhaven University and graduated with a BA in Admin/Business Admin. In college he thought he would be a coach. He wanted to be successful by playing or coaching basketball. It was his first love and opened many doors for him. Daryl played basketball throughout his childhood and college years and went on to play in the international leagues. He has played in Africa, Columbia and Germany. He enjoyed playing in all locations however, Africa was his favorite. It was his favorite because Africa was a place he always wanted to visit. In his words, “it is a beautiful country with a lot of history.” There was always fresh food with the midnight sky being clear blue. Daryl played in Africa for 3 months. Coming back from overseas after playing basketball his dream was to continue to play.

As things didn’t work in his favor, he decided to find another career path. Daryl studied and learned how the financial world works and the best ways to create a new skill. How to build your company for success and continue financial wealth. Daryl decided he wanted to teach others what he has learned and pass his knowledge on. The best way for that to happen was to become a motivational speaker. With all great success there are obstacles that he had to overcome. One of the biggest obstacles was getting organized. Once he got organized and started reading and learning the industry, he knew what his self-worth was and developed self-motivation. 2 very important qualities you must have to succeed.

He could not have gotten as far as he has without his mentors. Donald brought him into the financial world and showed him how the field works. They are now coworkers and like to make sure they encourage each other and motivate each other. Both like to see each other grow. Another mentor Daryl mentioned was his old coach. His coach helped guide him and taught him hard work pays off with practice. Your mind and body will eventually come together. And finally, his family have been mentors in many ways. They have molded him and made him the man he is today. In Daryl’s words “it takes a village to raise a man”.

Some advice he would like to provide is having people around that care about you is huge in many ways. Surround yourself with people who want to see you grow and succeed. Not just in the professional world but also in your personal life. Find a mentor and have them help mold you. Learning doesn’t always take place in school. Life is a classroom if you really open your eyes and pay attention to who and what is around you. And most importantly if you need advice, he is always open to helping. Daryl views his success not just by his professional life but also by his personal life. He has created a loving and stable home life for his wife, kids, and himself. He enjoys helping the next generation learn and watch their growth. To Daryl that is his true success.

Daryl has 3 words when it comes to work life/personal life balance. That is schedule, schedule, schedule. Schedule and block out times for work. Schedule and block out times for family. And schedule and block out times for your own time. All 3 are important in different ways for both your mental health and your physical health. Take time off for special days and don’t be afraid to request time off for your employer to do so. Nobody is going to watch out for your health more than you and your family.


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