Ed Johnson


My friends and I sat around the table during the Holiday’s, talking about family, life, and careers.  I was reminded of a story I heard when I had the opportunity to interview Ed Johnson.  We were discussing how we learned/taught to be successful.  Who in our lives helped mentor us as we grew up and developed into the positions we currently hold.  Most of us all shared stories about our parents, and/or teachers/coaches. 

 One of Ed’s first jobs he had in college was selling shoes.  This job taught him how to work in a fast-paced industry dealing with different customers.  His manager at the time, who he still has a good relationship with along with the assistant manager, taught him how to deal with different types of customers and learning the business structure.

 Ed, who is successful, has had many jobs that has helped lead him to his success.  Besides working at the shoe store, he had worked at a pharmaceutical company that had a positive impacted on him as a successful businessman.   Ed took an underdeveloped territory, turned it into one of the top territories in the company, overachieved his number, and became one of the top reps in the company.  Having said that, he won a couple trips for being the top sales rep.  This kind of success didn’t come over night or by a miracle.  When I asked, “How were you able to do it?”, Ed laughed and shared a story with me.    Every January, the CEO would come into their sales meetings, and discuss the company’s incentive trips.  In order to make the trip your territory had to be in the top terrier of the company.  Ed’s territory at the time was at the bottom, but he didn’t let that stop him.  Nothing was going to hold him back from the trip.  Ed worked hard every day.  One day, after he won the trip, one of the nurses he sold to asked him how he got there.  Ed showed her the bottom of his shoes and said “they were brand new when I started.  And look at them now”, they were all worn out.  He proved you can bring your bottom territory to the top.  It takes a lot of hard work and different strategies to use but it can be done. 

 At the time Ed was working at the pharmaceutical company he was the only black drug rep in his area.  By the time he left there were 10 black drug reps.  His father taught him no matter what your skin color is, treat everyone well and get along with everyone.  He informed me he believes that has helped him throughout his career.  

 Ed is now the founder/CEO of Bambootility Media LLC.  Bambootility provides leadership, communications, marketing and supply chain strategies.  He has done industrial design consulting services and products for Eco-apparel, architecture, packaging, and bio energy products. 

 Ed also does a lot of volunteer work.  He is currently an advisor for both Green Works Orlando and Advantage Capital.  Green Works Orlando has a vision to transform Orlando into one of the most environmentally friendly, economically and socially vibrant communities.  And with Advantage Capital Ed, is an advisory board member, sharing his knowledge in financing and investing. 

 When I asked him how he finds time to juggle it all he just simply put it, “Pick your spot when the time comes, we all need to give back.  Do it to make a difference”.  


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